Cells, energy production, health & wellbeing

Perfect Health Body & Mind

By Sharyn Perfect


Cells, Energy production, Health and Wellbeing!

For our body’s to be well and healthy we need to feed them. Sadly the western diet is filled with high fat, high sugar and highly processed foods. They are cheap and easily obtainable for the fast paced lifestyle that we all now live.

Do you notice I left out the word NUTRITIOUS?

These types of diets are depleting our cells of the vital nutrients that we need for us to be well and healthy leaving our systems void of energy and we become stressed, tired, and overweight, with diabetes, thyroid issues and high cholesterol on the way to accumulating numerous auto immune diseases.

Does any of that sound familiar?

So what do we do about this? Who has time these days to cook everything from scratch like grandma used to do? When she used real ingredients, whole foods. Without me using too many scientific words, let’s talk about how a cell gets fed.
The chemical bond in food molecules serves as energy that feeds the cells. Simply put, food goes in, in the form of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and it gets broken down (digestion) into smaller molecules so that our cells can use them for energy or building blocks for other molecules.

That looks easy doesn’t it? Then why are we living in a world that is so sick?

Let’s have a look at some common complaints.

✔️High blood sugar – the cells are starving. The body cannot efficiently get the fuel into the cells, so it increases adrenalin, which in turn produces more cortisol, this increases insulin.

✔️Digestion issues (bloating, constipation, diarrhoea) – there is no fuel in the cell to digest.

✔️Depleted appetite – the body is running high on adrenalin and cortisol. Not a good place to be.

✔️Insomnia – the body has run out of fuel. It takes a lot of energy to keep the body in a constant state of sleep. That’s right your body uses energy to sleep. Your body also produces glycogen while it is resting. Glycogen is your emergency store of fuel. Made from carbohydrates.

✔️Elevated cholesterol – the body is not converting the energy.

✔️Hot feet – high in histamine – the body is out of fuel.

So what is the answer?

Here is the recipe to increase energy.

✔️Small meals (burns less energy trying to digest them) more often. So you are essentially feeding the body as you burn the energy. Energy expended – replace with food.

✔️We need a balance of carbohydrate, protein and fat. These foods need to be easily digestible (conserves energy) healthy and provide us with essential nutrients like amino acids (the building blocks of the body).

✔️Bring in the role of Gelatin in energy production

✔️Gelatin is a pure protein that contains no sugar, fat, or cholesterol. Gelatin contains half of the 18 essential amino acids that we need for survival. I can hear you asking – isn’t gelatin that stuff that you use to make jelly? How healthy can that be? It is not the gelatin that is unhealthy in store bought jelly crystals, it is the colours, preservative and sugar!

✔️Gelatin is collagen. It is the substance that is derived from processing animal skin and connective tissue and it has lots of wonderful health benefits.

✔️Collagen is the stuff that we need for strong nails, hair and skin (stops the skin from sagging and wrinkling). Now I have your attention!!

Gelatin Health - gelatin

Other health benefits!
these are factual benefits so are referenced from: http://www.savorylotus.com/gelatin-do-you-know-this-superfood/

  1. Gelatin is loaded with protein - With 6 grams of protein per tablespoon, it’s a great way to add more protein to your diet. Even though it is not a complete protein, it helps the body fully utilize the complete proteins that are taken in.

  2. Gelatin improves digestion - It naturally binds to water and helps food move through the digestive tract more easily.

  3. Gelatin can help heal food allergies and intolerances - Adding gelatin to your diet can heal the lining of your stomach and digestive tract. And since food allergies/ intolerance’s are thought to come from a “leaky gut,” the idea is that when you heal your digestive tract, you no longer have proteins and toxins that create health issues “leaching” into your body.

  4. Gelatin is good for bone and joint health - Gelatin contains lots of amino acids important in helping to prevent the weakness and degeneration of cartilage in joints. Gelatin, with it’s anti-inflammatory properties, has also been shown to reduce the pain and inflammation of arthritis.

  5. Gelatin helps your body release toxins - Glycine, an amino acid found in gelatin, assists the liver to efficiently remove toxins from our system.

  6. Gelatin gives you better hair, nails, and teeth - Gelatin contains keratin, which is a very strong protein found in your hair, nails, teeth and skin.

  7. Gelatin improves the elasticity of your skin - Gelatin is essentially cooked down collagen. Consuming it will help improve the look and feel of your skin much more effectively then hard- to- absorb collagen facial creams. Gelatin actually stimulates your body to produce more collagen.

  8. Gelatin helps speed up wound healing - One of the amino acids found in gelatin is glycine, which is highly anti-inflammatory.

  9. Gelatin can improve your quality of sleep - Clinical studies have shown that not only do people sleep better when consuming the amino acid glycine, they report less daytime drowsiness and better cognitive function.

  10. Gelatin can help with weight loss - Gelatin is thought to increase the production of Human Growth Hormone and to boost metabolism. And with it’s nutrient-dense content, it also helps with satiety (keeps you full.)